Thursday, November 4, 2010


A country in the northwest corner of Africa where, as a 4th grader, I spent spring break with my parents. This was not the most ideal place since my sister was skiing the Swiss Alps, but needless to say, I tried to make the best of my time- and now I can say I have been to Africa. It was still a neat place to visit, we did all the super touristy things like visiting the pyramids and riding camels, which I had done in Kuwait but according to the proprietor, these were very different camels. The pyramids were very cool, probably one of the most amazing things I have seen. The land changed from complete civilization to a fence then immediately to desert and the pyramids which seemed odd to me but I was in Africa. We visited the Nile to see a restaurant my dad was opening by boat on the river. The restaurant was a very cool idea, but the Nile River was probably one of the blackest and nastiest things I had ever seen. The trip all together was very cool and a good learning experience, but I am not sure that I ever need to go back there.

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