Sunday, November 28, 2010


When I was in 9th grade, my family went to Banff in Alberta Canada, which is near Calgary, right above Washington and Montana. We went for a week on spring break to go skiing and snowboarding. The town was beautiful, covered in snow and exactly what a small ski town would look like. It was a lot of fun, until we actually started skiing. The first day on the first run my mom tore her ACL and her meniscus which ended her trip not even 24 hours in. We went to the hospital and spent most of the night there. The next day my dad and I decided to head back out right after lunch. We were going down the mountain and I slid out and broke my wrist. That night we were back in the hospital the entire night. Even the doctors recognized us that second night. What started as a beautiful trip turned into a week in the hospital. It was a fun trip for the little we spent on the slopes. But I dont think we will be going skiing as a family again anytime soon.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Located in Europe, just south of The United Kingdom, in France. During our week long trip to London, we took a bullet train underneath the English Channel into Paris and spent the day there. Since it is the shopping capital of the world, of course, my mother wanted to go. So we went. The bullet train underneath water was extremely cool, a quick hour trip and we were there. As soon as we got off the train was when I immediately stopped liking Paris. The odor was immense and disgusting. This was probably from the hundreds of homeless people who set up their cardboard boxes in and around the train station. The sight of a grown man urinating five feet away from me as I walked out of the train station was enough of Paris for me. But the train didn't leave till that night so we stayed to tour the city and shop. The city got better with time-the Eiffel tower, museums and more shopping that I can imagine. The last stop of the day was the Louvre to see all the art, especially the Mona Lisa. We waited in line to get in as if it were a ride at Disney, it took forever. We finally made it in and started walking around and there were tons of amazing paintings and cool artwork. We were there for the famous Mona Lisa though. We found her by following the crowd and when we finally got in the room, it was the smallest painting I had ever seen. It was about a 2x3 ft painting and you couldn't get closer than 10-15 feet from it. Guarded by bullet proof glass and guards, yet again Mona Lisa and Paris were a let down. We looked around a bit more and then headed home. I was the happiest all day when we finally boarded the train and I left Paris for good.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


The capital of the United Kingdom which is located in the southern part of the country. My family and I spent a week there in the summer after 5th grade. It was the final trip before returning home from Kuwait. We stayed in a hotel right across the water from Big Ben and right next door to the Eye of London. It was one of the best vacations we have had. We toured the entire city including all the castles outside the city. Also we went in Harrods, which is a HUGE department store in the city, that had everything you could imagine packed in the 6 floor store. Out of everything we got to do while in London, my favorite was the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. This was one of the coolest things I have seen in all of our vacations and as you always hear the guards did not move at all. No matter what face you make or what you say they would not move. London was one of my favorite places that I have been and I am hoping to get back there someday soon.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


A country in the northwest corner of Africa where, as a 4th grader, I spent spring break with my parents. This was not the most ideal place since my sister was skiing the Swiss Alps, but needless to say, I tried to make the best of my time- and now I can say I have been to Africa. It was still a neat place to visit, we did all the super touristy things like visiting the pyramids and riding camels, which I had done in Kuwait but according to the proprietor, these were very different camels. The pyramids were very cool, probably one of the most amazing things I have seen. The land changed from complete civilization to a fence then immediately to desert and the pyramids which seemed odd to me but I was in Africa. We visited the Nile to see a restaurant my dad was opening by boat on the river. The restaurant was a very cool idea, but the Nile River was probably one of the blackest and nastiest things I had ever seen. The trip all together was very cool and a good learning experience, but I am not sure that I ever need to go back there.